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Lady Bust D & D


Code No. JMDFB-787 A/B

Size: A/B- 16 X 11.5 X 42 cm

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Elevate your space with this exquisite handcrafted Lady Bust D&D Mural, crafted from custom mango wood. Measuring 16 x 11.5 x 42 cm, this premium quality sculpture adds a touch of elegance to any room. Perfect for decorating your living room, kitchen, end table, and more, this unique piece of art is handcrafted with care and attention to detail. Enhance your interior design with this one-of-a-kind wooden figurine, showcasing artisanal woodwork and timeless beauty.

Regularly dust handcrafted Lady Bust D&D Mural with a soft cloth to maintain its luster. For deeper cleaning, lightly dampen the cloth with a mild wood cleaner, avoiding harsh chemicals. Treat any metal components with a gentle metal polish to retain their shine.


Mango wood

Country of Manufacture
